Hello All! Brittany here again, last update was by Paul, just wanting to write an update a book I finished! (woo hoo!)This book is one of the top 5 books from the Team system, so it obviously comes very highly recommended, however
I also HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone and maybe after reading this little blog you will become interested and will read it yourself! I may go into some detail here (mainly for my own purposes of remembering what I read...just warning you) First off, in any personality description system thingy...people usually are classified into 4 main different personalities. Yes, I realize as does the author that you aren't just 1 temperament, you may be a mixture of 2 or 3 or maybe you have parts of all. However, usually there is one dominant personality that represent you. I will try and help you find your personality type below, in a very easy classification....

First question: Are you a more outgoing personality(O) or more reserved(R)? Secondly, are you more task oriented (T) or people oriented (P)? There, now with those questions answered honestly there is a good chance that you are one of these personalities! (the book has a Waaayyyy better way to classify you, so if you thought this didn't work, read the book to find out! oh and I also realize there are alot more details I can share about you, but please read the book for more and to learn more about yourself and others)
People who are...

O/T: This personality type is referred to as the Powerful Choleric. You are the doer and the optimist, independent, and self-sufficient.You are usually right, very strong willed, a born leader, and you see the whole picture. You establish goals, and are a motivater. You are not easily discouraged and exude confidence. you are a dreamer.

O/P:This personality type is referred to as the Popular Sanguine. You are also an optimist, a talker. You are the life of the party, the storyteller, you are enthusiastic, and always somewhat of a child. You make friends easily, love people, you are inspiring, you are creative and cheerful!!

R/T: This personality type is referred to as the Perfect Melancholy. You are a thinker. You are deep and thoughtful, as well as very analytical. You are more serious and purposeful. Most genius', artists, and musicians are this personality. You set high standards, you are self-sacrificing, economical, organized, and a perfectionist. You like charts, graphs, lists, and you need to finish what you started.

R/P: This personality type is referred to as the Peaceful Phlegmatic. You are the watcher, you are low-key, easy going and relaxed. You are quiet but witty, sympathetic and kind. You don't get upset easily, and are a good listener. You avoid conflicts and mediate problems. You are peaceful, agreeable, steady and competent. You are inoffensive.

Hopefully that helped you figure out what your personality was, can you guess mine?? I had already knew what my personality was going into reading this book, but the thing is, I didn't want to just know what my personality is, I wanted to know what others are as well. I don't know about you, but often times, I just don't understand people who are different from me. I would judge people who were not like me and be weirdly annoyed by personality traits that were different from mine. You see, I needed this book. This book helped me soo much to understand  "Hey you dummy! Not everyone is like you!" This book will help you better understand people and learn how to get along with them. It's so interesting to think of my family and my nieces and nephews and think about what personality they have. For the kids its so neat because you can tell so early what personality or which mixture they might be.

(sorry I'll try to end this long post here...) The last chapter in the book was very eye opening as well. You see God did not make us all alike, we are actually told in the Bible to rejoice in our differences, and also to examine our gifts and our weaknesses and work together to glorify God. It's kindof hard to work together if don't understand what makes the other person tick (in the good ways and the maybe not so good ways).
Ephesians 4:16 says "He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."
Here is a small exert from this chapter that helped me to understand how we are to work together..."God made us each one of us different, so we could function in our own role. He made some of us to be feet --to move, to administer, to accomplish, like Powerful Choleric. He made some of us to be minds, to think deeply, to feel, to write, like Perfect Melancholy. He made some of us to be hands, to serve, to smooth, soothe, like the Peaceful Phlegmatic. He made some of us to be mouths, to talk, to teach, to encourage like the Popular Sanguine....We need each temperament for the total function of the body, each part should do its work to unify the action, and produce harmonious results."

This is all great that we can work together, however, we have to be of the same body, and with a similar destination or goal. I feel that in our lives we have different bodies. For me my main body is the body of Christ, and my destination is eternal life and to live as a witness to his judgment and grace. If I am a part of a body that doesn't put Christ as the head and that doesn't seek to honor him first, I can be sure that my body will not be getting me to my destination. But within that body, I feel there is the body of my family. Me and Paul, are we working together to produce harmonious results? Do I understand Paul completely and what he brings to our family, does he know I appreciate his differences? Other bodies, could be your body of employees at work, your sports teams, your group of friends, your mission team, your small group or bible study etc. For me I must make sure that Christ is the head of each of those bodies. My other "bodies" must fit in and align themselves to my main body, which if Christ. It's easy to try and put myself at the head, yet it's so silly because Christ is the one who gives us these gifts, and who gives us the strength to work together. Who is the head of your body?  What is your goal or destination?
Hope you enjoyed this maybe too long of post ;) sorry!

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17