I thought that most posts would be from Paul, but I guess he's slacking.....just kidding. (the books he is reading right now are twice as long, and probably a zillion times more complicated than these....oh well, I can feel more accomplished for just this once)
    Anyway, down to business! This book came recommended to me by my dear sister, who is a WONDERFUL mother, so I figured it would be a great start! The book was very very very interesting. Now before you all go crazy and think I'm pregnant, I'm not, sorry to burst your bubble of excitement. I feel that just because I don't have any kids doesn't mean I can't read about how to be a good parent right? I feel that If I started in just the nine months I was pregnant, there would be no way I could finish all the books I want to read before then, so I figured I would start now! Better sooner rather than too late.
    Michael and Debi Pearl have a very strict way of bringing up young children. The book includes real and practical examples of bringing up your children for the Lord. At times throughout the book I kept thinking, "whoa! that is WAY to harsh," or  "oh my I would never do that!" And yet, each story was backed by biblical principles about why he trains his children in such a way. I realized that I was viewing the methods as too harsh because I kept thinking a "switch" was a form of punishment. However, after getting in to the book, I discovered that a switch wasn't a punishment, but rather a way to reinforce correct training. After I jumped over that hurdle, the book began to make more and more sense. After all, when the teachings are parallel to that of the Bible, it is very hard to disregard them and ignore them.
    I will let you decide if you agree or disagree with the teachings, and practices and I will leave my thoughts on this matter to myself for now. Mainly because I don't really have the "mother" experience, and I would agree, it's a little silly to take advice from someone who has no real experience in the matter. So, go ahead, read and inquire, learn and grow!

Hello All! Brittany here again, last update was by Paul, just wanting to write an update a book I finished! (woo hoo!)This book is one of the top 5 books from the Team system, so it obviously comes very highly recommended, however
I also HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone and maybe after reading this little blog you will become interested and will read it yourself! I may go into some detail here (mainly for my own purposes of remembering what I read...just warning you) First off, in any personality description system thingy...people usually are classified into 4 main different personalities. Yes, I realize as does the author that you aren't just 1 temperament, you may be a mixture of 2 or 3 or maybe you have parts of all. However, usually there is one dominant personality that represent you. I will try and help you find your personality type below, in a very easy classification....

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17