Tedd Tripp goes through the most important parts of what it means to be a Christian parent. He discusses the importance of discipline and communication with your children at every level of their growth, and the most important factor of having goals for your "child rearing." Spouses need to come together discuss and pray about what their goals are for their children. Here are some common goals parents have that Tripp listed: Is it to have the most athletic kid? To have a psychologically balanced child? To have the smartest best educated kid? To have the most well behaved child? To have a "saved" child? To have control over your child?  He walks through many of these goals and helps point out the good--and also the not so good in them. Do you have goals for your children? Are they God oriented goals? or are they goals that are self serving and worldly? OH my, I'm not even there yet, but I can tell that parenting is going to be a difficult task and this book definitely made me think a lot about what some of the most important things are when raising kids. I'm so glad someone gave me this book now so I can start to think about these principles before it's too late! 
What will my goals be for raising my children? How do I shepherd my child's heart? How do I help them see the sin in their heart which leads to their actions? Who am I trying to serve? Is what I'm doing pleasing and honoring God? Those are some of the questions that I am now thinking about and most are what this book goes through--from every stage of childhood; infancy to teenage years. 

I wont go into to much more because I really think it is so crucial for every parent to read this book for themselves if they are interested in shepherding a child's heart for the Lord.  And if you never read it--at least be in search through the Bible, the most important book for life, and for raising children. I believe, if you are a parent, it is probably one of the most important roles God has called you to, you probably don't want to go into it blind or neglect what he says about it. All other books on the subject are just helpful and practical (if they come from a biblical perspective), but the Bible should always be where we start and finish. Best wishes to all you parents out there, I know we will need your prayers as we start this exciting journey and we will pray for you as well! -Britt

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17