Hola! So it's been a while since I've updated about books I've read, and it's mainly because this book seemed to take me forever to get through!!!!
(which proved to be a blessing!)
If you are looking for a book to kindof smack you around a little bit and tell you how to be a better wife, this is the book for you! I felt like an infomercial right there but really, despite the bruises and scrapes I endured from the pages....I have learned sooo much from reading this and would recommend it to anyone who wants to have a more God-serving marriage. (: Debi Pearl is constantly using God's word to teach younger woman what their role is in the marriage, how to act, and what to do. I have read a decent amount of books on marriage...(maybe because I really really need them!) but this book was one that truly...hmmmm... is convicted the right word? yes, "convicted" me about my behaviors and actions as a wife. Well maybe more like, jabbed me in my heart.  It is a very straight forward book, entirely based on the God's word. Some may think, "oh that's so old fashioned..." Well God said it, and I'm pretty sure if we were to utilize and honor his Word through our actions, we just might have the most heavenly marriage ever. Just sayin....

It seems so easy in our culture to say, "I deserve this" or to play the victim and think we are being slighted. We see it in TV shows, in movies all the time. The woman is the victim, the men are the problem! right? Yet, this was not the way that God intended life to be when he created a woman to be a help meet to her husband. "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Gen 2:18KJV. He didn't say he would create a slave driving, biting, jealous, un-loving, un-respecting wretch for him, no....a HELP MEET! oh DUH!
I can't blame our culture for my failings as a wife, because it's my problems and usually my own self-centered thoughts that get in my way of being a good wife. We are all sinners and all have huge faults, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not, they are still huge planks in our eyes, preventing us to move forward and grow as wives. My biggest nugget from this book, is that I was created to Help Paul, not hinder him, and that through serving my husband and honoring him, I am doing so to God. What an amazing way that I can serve God! (Also a challenging one...but thats why I need to keep on-a readin'!)
That's all I will write about for now, mainly because I feel I'm not very qualified to give advice on the subject of marriage, because....I'm working on it!!! However, this book has helped me in sooo many ways, and I really would encourage all you wives out there to read it!!

P.S. for those of you who aren't married yet, she has also written a book called "Preparing to be His Help Meet" which I have heard from reliable sources is another great book for young ladies wanting to honor God by preparing for their future husbands.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17