Well, let's be honest, I haven't posted in forever! I have been reading, but some of the books I had finished before Paxton was born I can't really remember enough to write about--oops. And  I didn't feel like writing a review about breastfeeding and baby books--I think we would all get confused, seeing they are all so different and all have different views on the "right way"--basically just to make you feel like you are doing things wrong--blah--anywho. I just wanted to post on two books that I read last week which were so good I thought I would share: 
It's All About Him by Denise Jackson
Some of our friends from our church recommended this book to us and Paul and I read it together. It was a great biography from a "celebrity" wife about the pressures of being rich and famous, married to a country star genius, and a Christian. At first I thought it was going to be "All about Him" meaning, Alan Jackson, and I wasn't really interested in reading it but I read it anyway, and I found out that the "Him" who she's talking about is God. Denise takes the reader through her life story, from the time she met Alan until today. She goes through the many struggles in her life--most specifically her marriage. She realizes she had strayed from her Christian upbringing and she takes you through how they found their way back again being consumed with Christ's overwhelming forgiveness. It was a beautiful story, and one that I would definitely recommend. 

Taming the Tiger by Tony Anthony 
This book is an Incredible example of the love and complete forgiveness of Jesus, and Tony's testimony is one of the most powerful and life changing testimonies I have ever heard. He started off being taken from his family when he was 4 to being raised by his Kung Fu Grand Master grandfather in China, to becoming a 3 time world champion in Kung Fu, to working as a personal body guard for important people, to becoming a "debt collector," to a thief,  to a man driven only by anger who could kill anyone he wanted to with his bare hands, to a prisoner, to a loving forgiven follower of Jesus Christ. It is an amazing story. (You can also listen to his testimony on YouTube which is powerful, but the book was so much better) Again, I definitely recommend this to anyone. It's an inspiring book that will cause you to reflect on your life with Christ and your commitment to Him.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17