hi big guy!
6 weeks old and growing strong! Every day this little boy is growing and changing! He had his first flying experience when we went up to the North Island and he did awesome! The first flight he slept the whole entire way and the ride home he just needed a quick feed and then fell right asleep till we got to our house! Yay Pax! This little guy means so much to us, and we feel so blessed to have him in our lives!!!! Each day is such a gift and we are so thankful for him!!!
A citizen!!
Updates at 5 weeks:
-he weighed in yesterday at 10lbs 6 oz! wowzers this boy is growing!!!! I checked on my chart and that means he's in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th for height (seriously..is this my child?)
-he started following things with his eyes more consistently--for instance I'll move a toy around and he'll follow it, or he will follow my voice around the room (it's really cute) 
-his little baby acne is starting to go away
-he officially had the largest poopey of his life this morning--he was quite satisfied....lovely
-he's still cluster feeding at night then will go for 4 hours of sleeping, then 3 hours after that 
-loves staring at his dad and giving him the "mr. serious" face
-loves being read to, listening to music, and going through the alphabet cards that his Auntie Katie sent him
-still loves sleeping on his side in his cot--but yesterday randomly fell asleep on the floor during lunch...cool! 
-last sunday during church Paul was holding him while I was singing, and he spit up all over him---it's hard to focus when you see that happening :) haha
-I had a dream that I went to his cot to pick him up and I said "Good Morning my Big boy!!" and he smiled back at me and said "Good Morning!!" so don't be surprised if he's talking by the time we get back to the states! 

one of his staring contests with his Dad
chunky cheek cutie (still staring at Dad)
some zebra lovin' going on
this was one of our attempts at a passport photo
Wow! I know that every Mom says this when their child turns one month old, but wow, where did the time go?? Some days feel like they drag on and on, but then all of the sudden, it's been a week, then another, and another, and BOOM!!! --we have a one month old! I'm sure these next couple of months will probably fly by as well--oh my oh my! 
Well, "down on the farm" here everything has been going pretty swell--I know Paul's been meaning to update but hasn't quite had the chance. Things have slowed down a lot, and they are milking some cows only once a day and a bunch are going to the slaughter house (sad day) but that means milking times are quicker! Also--irrigation is hopefully done for the season, seeing that it's been really rainy and getting colder. (please don't rub it in that back home has been in the 70's this week--we know.....thanks) This gives the guys lots of time to get lots of other things done that haven't gotten done, and for Paul to learn more and more. We have also been preparing for our trip to Auckland, which we'll leave for next friday! For those of you who don't know, Paxton is kindof an "alien" right now, he doesn't have U.S. citizenship or citizenship from New Zealand--poor kiddo. So we are traveling to the Consulate office in Auckland to get this kid some good ole' American citizenship!!! (hopefully--please pray that the process goes well!!) I don't think we should have a problem, it's just a lot of paperwork, and getting things together, which if you know me--I'm not the organized type and trying to pass on citizenship to your child, and then getting them a passport (figuring out how to take a passport photo of a baby??? lol) and a social security number can be a task that requires some melancholy traits--which I don't have, so hopefully all goes well!!! Thankfully Pax's birth certificate came in yesterday so we don't have to worry about that!! Praise God! 
Now for the update on my little bugaboo Pax. This kid is long!! We tried to measure him yesterday--which was a difficult task, but we came up with 23 (and a little more) inches! That would mean he grew almost 3 inches since he was born---does that seem like a lot to anyone else???? is that normal??  He fits into 3 month pajamas already because he's so long, and a lot of his 3 month shirts fit him perfectly in the arms---if he keeps growing like this, it's a good thing we'll be heading into short sleeve weather back home! He is as cute as ever and is smiling soo much! I love going to pick him up in his little bassinet (or cot as they call them here) and he's got a big smile on his face :) it just melts my heart :) (I'm in love...can you tell???) Let's see, what else is new...our average is about 2 outfits a day and then Pj's at night, which sometimes we go through 2 of those too...so my washing is always going, and I constantly have poopey clothes soaking in my sink--oh joy :) Paul actually "babysat" (do you call it that when it's the dad???) him last night for a couple hours while I went to singing practice at church--this was the first time I had ever really "left"  him at home--which I was weirdly really nervous about because he tends to want to feed a lot at night and is a rather cranky chappy---but--Praise the Lord everything went well. Paul said Pax pretty much stared at him for about an hour, then went to sleep---ahhhhhmmmazing! I should leave more often!! He's always cranky when I'm home at night!!! (just kidding) 
Well, this turned into a rather long babbling post, so kudos to you if you read it all! We send our love to you all, and would really appreciate your prayers as we head up to Auckland! Specifically for the flight, the appointment at the Consular, and the traveling around that we hope to do while we are there. Hugs and Kisses!!! 
sweet little smiles
Bath time!
Here is little Pax at 3 weeks. Our appointment was canceled so we'll have to post later on what he weighs, I'm definitely thinking he's over the 9lb mark. (UPDATE: Pax weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 8oz....we have a large kiddo on our hands!) 
Here are some things about Pax at 3 weeks:
-he wakes up at about 3 hours every night, but right back to sleep-which mommy is VERY thankful for
-he loves the moby wrap, and falls right asleep in it
-he likes going for walks with his big brother Tarzan the lamb
-he loves listening to music-really he LOVES it--especially hope college worship team and Casting Crowns :)
-laying on his daddy's belly is probably his favorite spot
-he loves baths...as of now
-he's a big grunter, he grunts and grunts and grunts.....mainly because  he's working on something...but still--I'll have to get it on video, it's pretty cute
-He's a big fan of his pipey--or "dummy" as they call it here
-I'm pretty sure he smiled at me multiple times this week :) REAL smiles! despite what Paul thinks...

I'm sure there is much more, but thats all for now!!!! Check for more growth updates and pictures soon!  Love you all!!! 
cuddle buddies
We took my mom to the airport yesterday and what a sad sad day that was!! My mom was such a blessing to us all while she was here. She helped us out with sooo much!! From changing diapers, to cleaning my house, scrubbing poopies out of Pax's clothes, cooking yummy meals, picking up our messes, helping me bath Pax, encouraging me--which I really needed, letting me get some sleep while she entertained Paxton, helping me shop, to just being there and keeping us company while Paul was working to so so so SOO much more! We miss her SO VERY VERY much already! I was so glad that Pax was able to be with his Nana for these past couple weeks, when we talked on skype today for a little bit he recognized her voice and turned his head towards the computer!!! I could go on forever about how much it meant to me that my mom was able to be here for us, but I'll probably start to cry so I'll just end this by saying...WE MISS YOU MOM!!! 
I know these next couple months will go by fast, It seems crazy that we've been here for 10 months--but right now it seems like the end of May will take forever to get to. We have enjoyed our time in New Zealand SO MUCH but now with a little baby, this lady's a little anxious to get back to Michigan! I'll try to keep you all updated on pictures of Paxton as he grows, it seems like he has grown so much in just these past couple weeks!!! Last week at his 2 week appointment he weighed 8lbs 12 oz, which is 6 oz over his birth weight!! WOO HOO, Go little buddy! I have another appointment on friday so we'll keep you updated on how he is growing! 
Thanks so much for all your prayers, emails and notes on facebook, they are all so much appreciated!!!! 
oh hi! you want to kiss my cutie cheeks too ehe?


    Hi--I'm Brttany!  I'm a follower of Christ Jesus--our only Savior, a wife to my best friend, and a mommy to the handsomest little kiwi I know! Here I will try to fill in family and friends about what is going on over here in New Zealand! 

    Verse of the Week

    2 Corinthians 12:9
    "But he has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17