We had our ultrasound yesterday and it went so well! Baby is doing awesome and everything is looking good! It was so fun to see and feel the baby move at the same time! I wish I could have one of those machine things in my house...but then I may get nothing done and just sit and watch it all day! :-) Wow, we sure do have an incredible God. I know I say that a lot, and never enough, but wow!!!! To watch the baby on that screen was amazing! The lady, Julie, spent a bit of time looking at the heart and she switched to a color mode where you could see the heart pumping the blood in and out. She showed us where it comes in from the umbilical cord, goes out, bipasses the lungs and then pumps back into (I may have gotten that wrong, but whatever) It was so neat, and it just reminds me how unique, intricate, and precise we are all made.  Just as Psalm 139 says, "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well." Here are a couple pictures of our little cutie patootie (well I think it's cute, but I may be biased) Little Windemuller is due to enter the world on February 8! 
hi baby :)
boy or girl? What do you think???
I also wanted to introduce to you the newest members of the Windemuller family......
Meet _______&________.
I know I've said this multiple times but we are so blessed to be put here on this farm. Andy and Trish have been so helpful and so wonderful in SOOOOOOO many ways. Really, they truly are wonderful people, you all should come here and meet them! Well, Trish knew that I loved looking at all the little lambs that were being born around our house, and decided a while ago to get me a couple for my birthday!!! YAY!!!!! I was so excited!!! I've alway wanted to have some little farm animals and now I feel like I'm officially a "farmer"...I may have beaten Paul at this new level of "officiality," but we won't rub it in (wink) Haha, just kidding, they are his too.... (-:  Unfortunately, I'm not sure they allow lambs on airplanes, so the little fluffynanners will have to live here until...well, let's not talk about it. (My boss thought I should name them Lamb and Chop....but I couldn't remind them of their sad little endings everyday!!!!!!!!! how awful!) Sorry for the blanks...I'm bad at picking names, hopefully they'll have names soon!!! I'll keep you updated. Here are a couple more pictures! Enjoy!!
So I realize that I don't update on EVERYONE's birthday, but there were a TON in my family in last couple of months. Mom(s), Dad, Christi, Graham, Nick, Katie, and Nate and Madison are ALL in August and September, and we can't forget about the little one that is coming at the end of the month!!!!!!!! (PRAYING FOR YOU NICK AND KATIE!!!) 
Does everyone agree how CRAZY FAST time goes by? All these little kiddos in my family are so big and are growing WAY too fast. As a kid I remember time going by so slowly. A spelling test at the end of the week took AGES to get to, now I can't even remember where months have gone!  I have been thinking about this a lot lately because I don't want my life to pass me by and at the end of it I'll look back and say "wow, where did that life go?"-- I only get one of these and especially with having a child here pretty quickly, I know it will probably seem like it anyway, but I don't want it to just pass by without notice. Sometimes I want to be like a kid again. As kids we live more in the moment and as we grow we tend to live more in the future. How many times do we think throughout the day what am I doing tonight? tomorrow? next week? in two weeks? in a couple months? We have this "need" to schedule our lives till we're blue in the face!!! I remember as a kid waking up and  thinking about the MILLION things I could in that day, and of course I planned on doing everyone of them...even though I would forget most throughout the day. Usually in the summertime my morning would be filled with thoughts of riding bikes with my best friend and neighbor Marenta, maybe making a fort, going for a walk, having a picnic, playing house, school, or doctor, dressing up, playing games, eating macaroni, going to the library, reading a book, playing dolls, swinging on the swing set...and of course we would do that all in a day, then just start over the next day. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we should just live by spontaneity, although, that would suit my personality...I'm all for setting big and small goals for your future. You need to have a plan for your life or a "destination" in mind, else you're already there!!! And for Christians we have, in Christ, the best possible future to look forward to in Eternity. PRAISE GOD! However, there is something to be said about living in every moment. Not caring or concentrating about whats in our schedule for that day or month but taking in the small things in that moment. How often do you just stop what you are doing when your with your kids (or kids you know in my case) and just be glad for it? Take notice of the tiniest details in their sweet little faces? Learn their many different personality traits and facial expressions? Or stop and simply praise God for things in your day? Do ever just sit and watch the clouds? Do you just take time to sit next to your spouse and not necessarily say anything, but just be together without distractions? Do you ever just take notice of the beauty of the earth around you--the flowers, big trees, small trees, landscapes, fields, mountains, anything? I feel that so much in our lives is scheduled that when we get to moments that aren't scheduled we fill them with pointless activities like watching TV or movies, emailing or facebooking(thats me....). We feel we "deserve" this break, but where is it geting us? I'm putting a challenge out to myself to "schedule in" some small things "for the moment" so that my life and the lives of all the beautiful kiddos that I know don't just FLY by without me watching and praising God for them.  I don't know, sorry for my rambling, but it's been on my mind and I hope maybe it will help you stop and appreciate the many different moments in your day today. God Bless!
Ok, so not really ALL my "favorite things," but I've been singing alot lately so I had to turn the title into a song somehow! 
Just wanted to  post a few pictures. Paul took a couple great shots of the mountains by our farm, and some really cutie little lambs!!!!! Lambing has been happening over here (similar to "calving") and down the road from our house there are little lambs running all over the place, and...they...are....ADORABLE!!!!! I just want to take one home and cuddle and shhhhnudle it!!!!  Also, here is a picture of my new favorite flower. The shrub is called a Camillia. They are really common around here, and I don't think people really think about them as pretty or special, but I LOVE the flowers!!! So I've been picking those every few days to have fresh flowers in the house, it's pretty great and makes the house a wee bit more "homey." 
Let's see, whats new around here you ask? Well, we are still calving (yesterday we  had 10!!! then today only 3...), we hung out with some friends from church this past weekend and had a really fun time playing the train game, (I think they liked it). OH! and a BIG cool baby news, I can feel it moving!!!!!!!!!!! Paul was able to feel it today too!!!! So that has been really fun :) At first it was difficult to tell if it was the baby or the usual rumblins' in my belly, but now it's so distinct and I know when it's the baby Definitely one of the coolest feelings in the world and an awesome reminder of what a incredible God-given miracle I have growing inside me. Well, thats all for now folks! Love to you all!!!!!! 
little fluffynanners....
really, aren't these the cutest little creatures?!?! It's official, I want one.
The Camillia's
So remember "WAY BACK" when I posted about spring being around the corner? Well this is what I woke up to the very next morning.....
Wasn't too excited about that, although it was beautiful. I love it when every tree branch is covered in snow and all the trees look white! And the mountains are breathtaking after a big snow. Our God sure is incredible! 
So...even though we had a random snow (which wasn't too good for the cows, I think everyone was a little unprepared and shocked and it made for a busy morning for Paul...some cows didn't do to well overnight) it didn't last long at all. The day was bright and sunny and pretty much all the snow was gone by nighttime. (I find it funny how I post about a snowfall....back home I'm sure you are thinking...what's the big deal?!?!?! haha! sorry I'm turning into a KIWI!!!! AHHH!!!) Now, here we are a couple days later and it was about 65 degrees outside and super sunny!!!! It made for a beautiful day to work in, rather hot at times, but I am not complaining, I'd rather be hot than cold ANY DAY!!!!! It's looking like the rest of the week should be quite lovely as well. A couple of the heifer sheds were moved to an outdoor/indoor home (well, their doors were opened) and they are sooo cute! They kept running around and hopping. They looked like little kids getting let out for recess!  They don't know what to think about their new found freedom and are mooing constantly, even now at close to 10pm...hopefully that stops... as they are right outside our house....I will take pictures of the wittle cuties tomorrow. Hope you all are enjoying your labor day weekend back home!!!! Love you and miss you all!!!!!!


    Hi--I'm Brttany!  I'm a follower of Christ Jesus--our only Savior, a wife to my best friend, and a mommy to the handsomest little kiwi I know! Here I will try to fill in family and friends about what is going on over here in New Zealand! 

    Verse of the Week

    2 Corinthians 12:9
    "But he has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."


    July 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    December 2011
    November 2011
    October 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011
    July 2011
    June 2011
    May 2011
    April 2011
    March 2011
    February 2011

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17