It's been a REALLY long time since I have updated on any book that I have read, and I am reading, just been slacking in the "reporting." So I decided to lump these two together because they aren't the type of book that I usually read, (and probably shouldn't read too many of) but they were a good break from the usual, and very very very very good. 
Redeeming Love has been a favorite book of mine for a really long time, and someone from New Zealand had it so I had to borrow it and read it. (why is it that some books take you a day to read, and others take me a.g.e.s....) Anyway, Redeeming Love is a remake (kindof) of the bible story of Hosea and his prostitute wife from the Bible, and takes place in the late 1800s. Basically, without giving too much away, the story is about this beautiful girl who was sold into prostitution as a child, so she expects betrayal from every men and has, naturally, grown to hate them. Then she meets Michael "Hosea" who is unlike every man she has ever met who seeks after God's heart in everything, and who tries to win over her heart not only for himself but for God as well. However, she has lots to overcome before she is ready to accept this "god" whom she knows nothing about. It's is a really great story about God's unconditional love and redemptive healing. I could go on and on, but I wont you'll just have to get it yourself. 
Now, I have always loved the story of Esther in the Bible, and this story is about Esther and her "one night with the king." (There is also a movie made about this book called "A Night with the King" which is also a very good movie) The book stays along the lines of the story in the Bible fairly close, however there are parts, (obviously in a novel) that are added in to make it more interesting. So I have mixed feelings on recommending it, but I liked it and read it and feel maybe someone would benefit by reading it. As long as you are going into it knowing it's not word from word from the Bible. Ok, anyway this story is unique because it takes you into Hadassah's thoughts. Imagine a young Hebrew girl of 16-18 being taken from her home to now start living her life in a palace, to either become 1. a Persian queen or 2. a concubine. Probably not in the everyday thoughts of a Hebrew girl. It shows her struggle to accept God's plan for her life in being one of those two options because it was so different from all  her usual jewish customs, oh yeah, and her could-be future husband is the most powerful man in the world at that time, and just killed his old wife. No stress there. When she does become queen (you all knew that right?!) she has yet another tying experience, to save her people and risk her life, or be silent and watch as the man she loves destroys her nation. She has to learn to trust in God's decisions and think that, as it says in Esther 4:14, maybe God had placed her there for such a time as this.

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17