I love History and I love reading about Leadership. Why? I believe it the one of two most understudied and misunderstood things in our culture today--and both are major subjects lacking in our schools today. This book is an incredible example of teamwork and how people need to work together in order for their businesses, teams, organizations, or families to work together. 
I love reading about our founding fathers and Phillips goes into so many details about the coming together of our nation. If you are lacking on your history knowledge a little bit, read this, it's also an amazing "refresher" for the learned historians as well. The book most specifically focuses on George Washington (he's so cool, really....I mean the guy is incredible!), Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, of course Benjamin Franklin, and many more. It focus' on how each individual leveraged different skills in leadership to help the country go from being a a big nobody (in Great Britain's eyes) to the United States of America. Imagine trying to convince a group of "people" they should declare independence from one of the greatest super powers in the world at that time, with one of the largest armies, and with one of the most advanced navies...just to name a few things, but that is what these men and many others did. America did not start out easy, nothing great ever does. The Revolutionary War was not easy, in fact we were losing most of the time, but because men like Washington led his troops valiantly and people like Thomas Paine renewed the moral of the culture and the troops, America pulled through.Then--just when you think we're all set and on the right track-- after winning the war, they had to deal with bankruptcy, the different states each wanting to be individual and not united, a failing Articles of Confederation, a bunch of angry regiments who weren't getting paid, and many many MANY more problems. America could have easily fallen apart after the revolution if not for the courage, determination, and leadership of our founding fathers. Think we could learn a bit from these guys?? I think so. 

I know I did a horrible job of trying to explain my love of this book and the stories that are in it, but I would almost classify this as a must read for anyone seeking a position of leadership, whether that be in your family, in schools, at work, in church or through other organizations. We can't rise to a position of leadership and expect to know everything...people are well, they are people, and it takes a Leader to unite them and move them together in a common direction. This book is a great place to start! Enjoy! -Britt

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17