Are you a great thinker? Do you have scattered thinking like I do, or do you just not do much thinking for yourself? It's interesting to actually look back on a day or week and see how little thinking I actually did, especially intentionally. This book is a great interactive study on thinking. 

One thing that hit me at the beginning of the book was not even that I don't think but that I don't do enough thinking about things that will make progress, as Maxwell said  "successful people focus their thinking on progress while unsuccessful people focus their thinking on survival or at best maintenance." Another quote I really liked of his was, "If you want to live on a new level, you need to think on a new level." How often do we strive to get better and move up to the next level in anything, but yet not have a care about moving our thinking to that level? 

Something that I agree with Maxwell on is the importance of having special places to go off by yourself do think, reflect and meditate, without distractions. I find for myself that early in the morning in my office or in the summer out on a deck or by a lake I seem to think the most clearly. I challenge you to find your "thinking spot" and certain time of day that you can set aside to think. What do you think about? Well here are the 11 Thinking Skills Maxwell goes through in the book.

  1. Big Picture Thinking
  2. Focused Thinking
  3. Creative Thinking
  4. Realistic Thinking
  5. Strategic Thinking 
  6. Possibility Thinking
  7. Reflective Thinking
  8. Questioning Acceptance of Popular Thinking
  9. Shared Thinking
  10. Unselfish Thinking
  11. Bottom-Line Thinking

To learn more about the thinking skills I listed, I would recommend that you read the book. I know that understanding these skills has helped me bring my scattered thinking into focus a little bit more. I hope that this book can help you be more intentional about your thinking, or at least get you to think! -Paul

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17