We are busy packing over here, and my house looks like a hurricane went through it. Don't you love it how it has to get dirty before it can get clean--gulp. Paul is working till tomorrow, and I've been running around trying to clean everything so it looks all nice and pretty for the new person that will be moving in come July. As for packing goes...whoa how do we have that much stuff!?!?! So far we have 4 bags (full, some slightly overfull), one rolling carry-on, 2 backpacks, and 2 purses, a laptop bag, a child, a carseat, and a stroller.....do you think thats enough?!?!??? Paul might be carrying one of the purses...and hopefully it's ok to travel with that many items...they said that Paxton is allowed the same number as we are, so one of the backpacks and the purses can be his :)

I can't believe that we leave so soon! It seems so crazy to think we'll be on a plane in 2 days! God had provided for us IMMENSELY during our whole time here, and especially lately. One way being that we sold our car--very fast and in perfect timing, also we (actually our parents) found a vehicle for us when we get back home--we have a place to live for the summer (thanks parents and Nick and Katie!), AND are all set up with insurances and money transfers and so many other things! Thank you Lord for your provision!!! We are still waiting on "for sure" news of where we will be come the fall. God has lead us and provided for us throughout everything here, and we'll wait on Him just a little longer to see where exactly he wants us to be. 

We have been busy visiting friends and having friends over these past couple weeks. Tonight we'll go to Andy and Tricia's house and say our good bye's to Andy, and tomorrow our friends Hayley and Lindsay will come over and eat the rest of our food!!! :D Tricia is bringing us to the airport on saturday, the same day her son Thomas leaves for Africa--it will be a busy day for her, but she is always so sweet, and always ready to serve. We will miss them so much!!! 
Perhaps this will be my last post in New Zealand, as tomorrow I'll be busy cleaning some more and doing the finishing touches on all the packing and then our friends are coming over...and then saturday we are leaving!!!! Our plane leaves from Christchurch at 4:30 and we get into GR on Saturday night at 11:30---whew! What a day that will be!!! We can't wait to come home, it will be difficult as we want to see so many people right away--yikes! But that is kind of a good problem to have :)We are so excited to see everyone!!!! Love you all and God Bless!!!!!
here's our little bubs getting ready for his bath :)
Sherry De Koster
5/24/2012 04:12:13 am

Safe travels to you and Paul and Pax we will be checking in on your flights through out your travels. Keep us up to date with whats in your future. Love ya

5/30/2012 05:08:15 am

You're home, you're home! So glad you arrived home safely, and I can't wait to see you!


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    Hi--I'm Brttany!  I'm a follower of Christ Jesus--our only Savior, a wife to my best friend, and a mommy to the handsomest little kiwi I know! Here I will try to fill in family and friends about what is going on over here in New Zealand! 

    Verse of the Week

    2 Corinthians 12:9
    "But he has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."


    July 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    December 2011
    November 2011
    October 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011
    July 2011
    June 2011
    May 2011
    April 2011
    March 2011
    February 2011

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17