It has been a while since we last updated this part of our blog. We are down to less than 40 cows left to calve out of 800, so Brittany is almost done with her maternal duties. Yesterday we herd tested, which means we took milk samples from all the cows so each cow can be analyzed on the milk they are producing. We also started the first part of mating by painting the tails of the cows to so we can see when they are cycling. That means the busy time of mating is only one month away! Tomorrow we are going to a discussion group with a bunch of area dairy farmers and going over mating plans and ideas, it should be a great time!
We have been making a lot of improvements to the farm over the last couple weeks. The new effluent ponds are almost finished. We had a long part of the track that we walk the cows down redone so it is much smoother now. We had a new lateral overhead irrigation system put up on part of the farm, I will take some pictures of it because it is really cool! We have also been repairing driveways and pasture entries with loads of gravel. And one job that I have been enjoying the opportunity to do is heavy rolling. What we do is go over a pasture with a giant lawn roller that is 6 or 8 feet wide and 5 feet tall. This is done on areas of the pastures that the cows might have damaged because the ground was too wet then they were grazing it.

To finish up here are some pictures of the view from our back window this past week. I love living on a farm!
8/16/2012 07:08:29 am

good post


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    Paul and Brittany


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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17