Well I am glad to inform you that we are a third of the way through calving, which seems like it has just started. We are getting about 18 to 25 cows calving a day which keeps us busy but it is not overwhelming. Yesterday Eugene had the day off so I took over his responsibilities for the day, which is taking care of the springing (calving) heifer mob. It was a good learning experience for me. It mostly consisted of going around the paddock and checking which heifers calved overnight and then trying to match up 8 calves with the 8 heifers that calved. It isn't as easy as it sounds there are 100 heifers in a paddock about 30 acres in size. After that is done we go around and pick the calves up and then we have to draft the 8 heifers out of the mob of 100 which is a fun challenge. I also had to check on any heifers that were in the process of calving to make sure that they were making progress and that the calf was presented right to come out. I am glad I had the opportunity to do this for a day, I hope it comes again soon, because it was quite enjoyable. 

Yesterday I also by myself successfully gave a cow that had Milk Fever metabolic injections, one in the vein and one under the skin over the ribs. The one in the vein takes a lot of effort because first you have to hold the cows head still, then find the vein with the needle, and next attach the bag making sure not to have any air bubbles in the line and finally had the bag up while holding its head still for about 20 minutes, which is how long it takes for the bag to empty out. I know the good Lord gave me a lot of help on this one because it can be difficult for the best stockman to do successfully. As soon as I was finished she stood up and was completely fine again. It is so amazing how fast cows can bounce back from health issues!

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17