What are your priorities in life? What are the things in your life that you hold dear? Let’s take a second to really reflect on those questions, and then write down your answers. After you do that think through what your average day looks like. How much time on average do you spent on your priorities? Is it proportional to the importance of each priority?

Let’s look at how the average American’s day breaks down. According to Neilson Media Research the average American watches 151 hours of tv every month, that is 5 hours a day! Now the average amount of sleep Americans reportedly get is around 7 hours a night. The average amount of time people work a day including driving to and from work is roughly 10 hours. So let’s see what this looks like.
When we really take a close look at how we spend our time each day it really gives us a good picture of what is truly important to us. According to this chart the average American only has about 8% of their day to squeeze in all the things that are probably most important to them. Does the breakdown of your day follow this chart or does it more closely resemble your priorities? When I was first shown this a few years ago it was a reality check. I knew if I was going to live a life of my priorities I would need to change some things, drastically.

Ask yourself what habits you can change and what areas you want to expand in your day to utilize your time. If you are happy how your graph looks, then congratulations! But, I know most Americans are not happy with how their graph would look.

I encourage you, figure out your priorities, figure out what you need to change in order to really show that they are your priorities and then start that change process! God Bless, Paul.

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    Hi! My name is Paul,  and I like dairy farming and agriculture in general. I also read, ALOT, because I don't feel like being ignorant. I currently live in Holland, MI with my wife.


    May 2011
    April 2011



"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17